How to Practice Safe Sailing!

Hello All!

SoCal Ben reporting from beautiful Long Beach. The lads from Nanaimo are becoming quite self sufficient. For the 2009 race, I was asked for help locating everything from parts to fresh food. This year, nary a request until two days ago. So imagine my amazement when the first request was from Doug asking for help locating an 18" condom for Greg. Now I know that Greg is a humble man, but this brings humility to an entirely new level!

It turned out that the condom wasn't for Greg after all, but it was for "Billy the Stick." Billy the Stick is the hydraulic arm that connects the autopilot to the tiller. Billy will be doing a lot of the work and the condom is for protection against salt water. I didn't want to give up any of my personal stash. So I found an old innertube from my daughter's bicycle and presto Billy was practicing safe sailing.

The picture above is from our test sail on Friday, 7/1/11. It didn't take long to discover that Billy (like all sailors) tends to exaggerate a wee bit and that he really didn't need the entire 18 inches. Later Doug trimmed off a few inches. I understand Billy is now quite comfortable and ready for the 2,225 mile voyage.

1 comment:

  1. The not so humble Cap't BillyJuly 4, 2011 at 10:10 AM

    So as a point of clarification the 18 inch condom was actually for Billy the Stick not Chuggy.
